The writings of Makhdoom Sharafuddin (1263–1380 CE) contain certain concepts and doctrines which are generally believed to have been articulated a few centuries after him. One such mystical doctrine known as ‘Unity of Manifestation’ ( Wahdat ash-Shuhud ) was propagated in the eleventh century of the Islamic era by Shaykh Ahmad al-Faruqi (1564–1624 CE) to contradict the then prevalent concept of ‘Unity of Being’ ( Wahdat al-Wujood ). It is true that Shaykh Ahmad al-Faruqi (nicknamed, Mujaddid Alf Thani ) was par excellence the greatest exponent of the doctrine of the Unity of Manifestation but one is surprised to see that Makhdoom Sharafuddin, too, had clearly delineated the fundamental position of this concept about two and a half centuries before it was revived by the Mujaddid. Makhdoom has explicitly stated in his letters, in the light of his personal religious experiences and intuitive knowledge, that was...