In traditional Hinduism, a total of 14 Manu are mentioned by names. Of these the first one to come upon earth was Svayambhuva Manu who is better known as Adam (peace be upon him).
And the seventh Manu is called Vaivasvata Manu, also known as JalplavanManu’, i.e., ‘Manu of the Great Deluge’. He was a man of great integrity and a chosen one of God.
The Satapatha Brahmana (compiled around 8th to 6th century BCE) has this to say about Manu: “There lived in ancient time a holy man called Manu, who, by penances and prayers, had won the favour of the Lord of the heaven.”
The Mahabharata describes Manu thus:
“And Manu was imbued with great wisdom and devoted to virtue. And he became the progenitor of a line. And in Manu’s race have been born all human beings, who have, therefore been called Manavas (humans)…”
(Mahabharata, Book 1: Adi Parva: Sambhava Parva: Section LXXV)
A famous orientalist A.J.A. Dubious, who studied Hinduism for 40 years, stated in his work ‘Hindu Manners, Customs and Ceremonies’ thus:
“… Suffice it to remark that a celebrated personage, reverenced by the Hindus, also known to them as ‘Mahanuvu’, escaped from the calamity in an ark, in which were also the seven famous Penitents of India. The appellation of Mahanuvu is worthy of remark. It is a compound of two words — MAHA i.e. Great and NUVU, who is undoubtedly the same as Noah.” (pg. 47–48)
In another place Dubious writes:
“To me no other religion have such a detailed account of Prophet Noah and his flood as the Hindu scriptures have and in many ways it is similar to the accounts of the Old Testament. It is surprising we have received this information from a nation (Hindus) who acclaim themselves as the oldest religion on earth.” (pg. 97–98)
Yet at another place he writes:
“It is practically admitted that India was inhabited very soon after the Deluge/flood, which made a desert of the whole world.” (pg.100)
The above observations make it clear that Hindus are the oldest civilization of the world. And they also claim to have a revealed holy scripture in the form of Vedas but the irony is that they don’t recognise their Prophet. It should be noted that every major religion of the world who claims to have a revealed holy scripture also acclaims its Prophet.
Now, look at this interesting saying attributed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
‘Allah’s messenger said, Noah and his nation will come [on the Day of Resurrection] and
Allah will ask [Noah], ‘Did you convey [My Message]?’
He will reply, ‘Yes, O my Lord!’
Then Allah will ask Noah’s nation, ‘Did Noah convey My Message to you?’
They will reply,  No, no prophet came to us.’
Then Allah will ask Noah, ‘Who will stand a witness for you?’
He will reply, ‘Muhammad and his followers [will stand a witness for me].’
So, I and my followers will stand as Witnesses for him [that he conveyed Allah’s Message].”’
(Sahih Bukhari, Volume 60, Hadees 14)
How true this Hadith stands for the Hindu community who have forgotten their prophet. Though they regard Vaivasvata Manu in high esteem but only as a God-fearing virtuous king of Dravida (south India) and the progenitor of mankind after the Great Deluge. It should also be noted that though there is a detailed account of the flood given in the Hindu scriptures but of which no obvious reason is given for such a huge calamity. This leads to a straight forward answer that the people at that time had crossed all the limits of disobedience to the Almighty God and so incurred His wrath.
Today, we as Muslims of India know for sure that Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) was sent to the people of ancient India to preach the eternal religion (Sanatana Dharma in Sanskrit and Islam in Arabic), and we will stand witness for him on the Day of Judgement.
Some of the verses from the Holy Qur’an regarding sending of the prophets are thus:
‘And to every people there have been a guide [to show the true path].’(Qur’an, 13:7)
‘And there never was a people without a warner having lived amongst them[in the past].’ (Qur’an, 35:24)
‘And verily, We have sent among every people Messenger [with the command]“Worship Allah [Alone], and false deities.”’ (Qur’an, 16:36)
The essence of the eternal religion as preached by the 1st Manu/Adam and then followed by the 7th Manu/Noah is thus:
“Speak the truth; speak the truth that is pleasant. Do not speak the truth to manipulate. Do not speak falsely to please or flatter someone. This is the quality of the eternal religion.” (Manusmriti, 4:138)
May Allah guide the true seekers towards salvation! Amen.


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