Kalki is considered the tenth avatar of Vishnu. He is foretold to appear at the end of ‘Kali Yuga’, the current epoch.
“Kalki” literally means “destroyer of the filth”. That is to say, the Kalki avatar would destroy all the evil and corrupt practices and will restore the Dharma (true religion) in its original form. The Purana scriptures foretell that Kalki will be atop a white horse with a drawn blazing sword.
Till date, only one person has matched all the characteristics of Kalki and he is none other than Prophet Muhammad. The only problem was the timing of his appearance. He did appeared in the Kali Yuga but not at its end. Now, we all very well know that horses and swords are things of the past. In today’s time, there are guns, tanks, fighter planes, bombs, missiles, etc. And the rate at which technology is developing we are only going to witness nuclear and arsenic attacks. No one would revert to the old-fashioned swords and horses. Thus it can be safely concluded that the timing of the appearance of Kalki had been distorted with and misrepresented.
Now, let’s check out how the personality of Prophet Muhammad matches with the characteristics of Kalki Avatar as mentioned in the Hindu scriptures.
(I) “In those days there will be a great man of good character [in the family of] the chief priest in ‘Shambhal’ village, by the name of Vishnuyash. Kalki would take birth in his home.”
(Srimad Bhagavata Maha Purana 12:2:18)
1) Kalki will be born in ‘Shambhal’ village. There are three meanings of the word “Shambhal”, as per Sanskrit grammar.
(a) “the place of peace”. Mecca is known as ‘Darussalam’ which means ‘the land of peace’.
(b) “which attracts people”. Muslims from all over the world visit Mecca throughout the year, but during the time of ‘hajj’ (annual pilgrimage) there is an assembly of nearly 25 lakh people. In fact, if there were no restrictions from the respective governments, the annual gathering would have been many millions, such is the attraction of the holy city.
(c) “a place near water”. Mecca was, in fact, inhabited in the land of desert because of bursting out of a spring, ‘zam-zam’, there.
2) The name of the father of the Kalki Avatar would be Vishnuyash. ‘Vishnu’ is the name of the Almighty God and ‘yash’ means slave. So “Vishnuyash” means “the slave of God”.
The name of the father of Prophet Muhammad was “Abdullah” which means “the slave of Allah – the Almighty God”. Furthermore, Abdullah was a man of very good character.
3) Kalki Avatar would be born in the family of the chief priest of the Shambhal village.
Abdul Muttalib, the grandfather of Prophet Muhammad was the chief priest of Ka’aba, the house of God in Mecca.
(II) “He is the lone hope of all good qualities, the man of ‘Ashtsiddhi’ (eight great perfections).
He, the ‘Jagatpati’ (leader of the world), riding the horse named ‘Devadat’ will destroy the wicked by his sword.”
(Srimad Bhagavata Maha Purana 12:2:19)
1) The man of eight great perfections. ‘Mahabharata’ mentions the eight great perfections as: Pragya (wisdom), Kuleenta (respectable lineage), Indriyadaman (self-control), Shrut (divine revelation), Parakaram (valour), Abhubhasita (measured speech), Daan (utmost charity), Kritagyata (gratefulness).
And all the above perfections were found in Prophet Muhammad.
2) He will be Jagatpati.
The equivalent Urdu word for ‘Jagatpati’ is ‘Sarwar-e-Alam’ which is popularly used for Prophet Muhammad, and he indeed was the leader of the righteous people on the face of earth.
3) He would be a horse-rider.
In the battlefields, Prophet Muhammad used to be mounted on a horse.
4) Sword would be his weapon.
Sword was the weapon of Prophet Muhammad whenever he took part in battles.
5) He would ride a Devadat (divine) horse.
Prophet Muhammad did rode a divine horse, ‘Burraq’ to visit Jerusalem and the heavens.
6) He would destroy the wicked.
Prophet Muhammad did destroy the wicked people with evil desires.
(III) “He (Kalki) will be born in the home of Vishnuyash (Abdullah) [in the family of] the head priest of Shambhal (Mecca).”
(Kalki Purana 2:4)
(IV) “He (Kalki) along with the four companions would destroy the evil forces of Kali (devil). The devas (angels) would assist him in his mission.”
(Kalki Purana 2:5)
1) Prophet Muhammad’s four major companions were Abu Bakr, Umar, Usman and Ali. They took part in battles alongside Prophet Muhammad, and after his demise each of them became the Caliph of Islamic Empire in turn.
2) There are many instances of Prophet Muhammad being helped by the angels in battlefields. The following verse from the holy Qur’an would suffice.
“When you sought aid from your Lord, so He answered you: I will assist you with a thousand of the angels one after another.”
(Al-Qur’an 8:9)
(V) “He will be born in the home of Vishnuyash (Abdullah) in the womb of Sumati.”
(Kalki Purana 2:11)
The name of his mother would be Sumati. The meaning of the word “Sumati” is “the bearer of peace”.
The name of the mother of Prophet Muhammad was “Aamina” which means exactly the same – “the bearer of peace”.
(VI) “He will be born on the 12th day of Shukla Pakch of the month of Madhava (Vaisakha).”
(Kalki Purana 2:15)
12th day of Shukla Pakch means the 12th day of the moon. In the Hindu lunar calendar, the month Vaisakha begins with the new moon in April.
Prophet Muhammad was born on the 12th moon-day of the month Rabi-ul-Awwal according to Islamic lunar calendar, which corresponds to Monday, April the 20th, 570 CE.
From the above observations it can be safely concluded that Prophet Muhammad was indeed the much awaited Kalki. So the Kalki Avatar had come and gone, but the Hindus are still waiting for him to appear, riding a horse with a sword in his hand.
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